2020 Science Excellence Award for Teaching & Research on National Science Day, Junior Chamber International, India
2018 IAAM Young Scientist Medal 2018- International Association for Advanced Materials, Stockholm, Sweden.
2017 European Commission- H2020-MSCA-IF-749403, EU Project GLIOMA Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Individual
Fellowship -2017-2019. University of Brighton, United Kingdom.
2014 Nanosmat 2014- Poster Prize Second prize in Poster competition, International Conference on Surfaces, Coatings and Nanostructured Materials, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland.
2012 Student Grant Award International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology (ICNT),Paris, France.
2010 MEXT Fellowship- Japanese Government Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology, Japan
2007 University First Rank Master of Science in Microbiology, Bharathidasan University, India.
2007 Gold Medal (For Achieving University First Rank J.J. College of Arts & Science, India.